Research phase

The Research Phase of the Project aims to analyse and collect evidence on the influence of the new law in the transport sector and the displacement processes of transport workers, focusing on truckers.EU law defines a set of mandatory rules in relation to the terms and conditions of employment that must be applied to posted workers to ensure that equal rights and working conditions are protected throughout the Union and to prevent “social dumping”. Thus, providing a clear framework to ensure fair competition and respect for the rights of posted workers so that both companies and workers can make the most of internal market opportunities. The ultimate purpose of the project, and of our research phase, is to promote initiatives to improve the implementation and correct application of the Directives related to the posting of workers and administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System, ”IMI Regulation”; in addition to knowing the influence of the Pact for Mobility in the transport sector and, more specifically, in international truckers and in aspects such as remuneration depending on the State in which they carry out their work.

The Research Phase of the Project has the following complementary actions:

Online questionnaires :

Two questionnaires have been developed; one aimed at employers and another aimed at workers (which will include posted and non-displaced workers), unions and workers’ support associations. The purpose of the questionnaires is to achieve an initial understanding of the rules on the posting of workers and the impact of the Pact for Mobility on them. Issues raised include pay and health protection. Each questionnaire has some personal identification statistical questions and 10 knowledge questions with closed answers (which in some cases can be answered with several of the proposed options) and/or open, referring to the current regulations on the posting of workers, which are intended to verify the basic knowledge of them by workers and employers; to make it possible to establish good practices in their application: Disseminate their knowledge and facilitate their understanding in a coherent manner among all the Member States. The questionnaires were translated into the languages of all the partners participating in the project and hosted on the website. The objective is to collect a minimum of 20 questionnaires in each of the two objective groups of the research, in each of the countries participating in the project: A total of 40 surveys for each partner country.

National Report :

Once the period for collecting the questionnaires has finished, it will be elaborated by each national expert. a Report in which the analysis of the questionnaires will be collected, together with a desktop search with references on the regulations of each country in the displacement of transport workers and the implementation of the new regulations on Mobility; highlighting aspects related to the remuneration of the work carried out in the territory of another Member State and the change in the cabotage and cross-trade rules and the use of the rules of publication of posted workers.

To prepare the National Report in a homogeneous manner, a guide (national report model) was prepared and sent to the experts of each country. Deadline for the National Reports was fixed to May 31, 2023.

Comparative Report :

Were prepared by the expert-coordinator of the project based on the conclusions and analysis of the National Reports prepared by each partner of the Project. This Report will serve as the basis for designing an Action Plan to promote initiatives that improve the implementation and correct application of the specific regulations for posted workers in the transport sector.

Each country prepared and shared through their channels its own scientific article based on its National Report.

Expert peppered 12 Articles that describe the new Law ( Mobility Package ): Objectives of the project, expected influence, perception of posted workers, perception of companies that post workers, research results, etc.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.